Smile Elements 1

As you grow older, your teeth grow with you. That may not come as a surprise, but did you know your teeth continue to grow into adulthood? Your Orthodontist will see changes in your teeth well into your mature years. Here are four ways your smile ages with you.


Teeth Crowding

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The older you get the more density is lost in your jaw bone which results in it shrinking. A shrinking jawbone can lead to crowding of the bottom teeth which can have an impact on the way you breathe and sleep. Paying regular visits to your orthodontist is a great way to take preventative measures against these issues from happening. Although a shirking jawbone is inevitable, crowding and crooked teeth can be prevented or corrected through orthodontic treatment.


Bad Bite

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Many people associate headaches, back pain and other uncomfortable pains with aging. It is correct to assume that! What you might not know is, those pains could be coming from your teeth. The older you get, the more an uneven bite could start having its effects on you. Teeth grinding and sleep apnea are common side effects of a bad bite, you could be experiencing a great deal of discomfort from this. Regardless of your age, orthodontic treatment will help correct your bite and stop the uncomfortable side effects while giving you a great smile.


Gapped Teeth

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Having gapped teeth can be the result of many common orthodontic problems. Gum disease can cause gapped teeth from inflammation which can be common in adulthood, although some may argue you can prevent gapped teeth, it isn’t always possible. Genetics can also be a factor in the alignment of your teeth, regular visits to your orthodontist will ensure your healthy mouth and help find a treatment plan that works best for your lifestyle and your teeth.


Orthodontic Treatment

Smile Elements

It is important to note that your teeth can return to their pre-braces state if you do not properly care for them. Moving and shifting teeth is normal all through adulthood, which means it’s important to follow your orthodontist advice. That being said, in some cases, adults will need to go through orthodontic treatment a second time if the first treatment wasn’t effective enough. Making regular appointments to see your orthodontist even after your braces have been removed is a great way to take charge and stay on top of your oral health.

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