Early orthodontic treatment is a great way to spot any problems within your child’s developing mouth and treat them before they turn into life long problems. It is also the answer to solving a lot of childhood problems, some things that can be cured with orthodontic treatment might surprise you! Check out the eight ways your child could befit from paying a visit to the orthodontist!


Early Identification:

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Your child’s orthodontist will be the first to notice if there are any critical problems in the development of their mouth and jaw. Sometimes, catching these problems early on in life will save your child from potential surgery and complications in the future. If your child doesn’t immediately need treatment, the Orthodontist will follow them closely and track their development to ensure their teeth and jaw align properly so they will have no problems in the future.



Improves Confidence

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It is natural for your child to struggle with self-esteem when they are growing up. Having crooked teeth can sometimes cause these insecurities or worsen them resulting in your child having negative feelings towards their smile. Braces allow children to regain their confidence knowing that straight teeth are on the way. Children who opt for traditional metal braces can make the most of their orthodontic treatment by changing the colors of their elastics with every appointment. They will never want to stop smiling!



Helps With Speaking




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When a child has difficulty speaking, oftentimes people don’t link it to their teeth. However, if your child’s teeth or jaw are not properly aligned that could be the main cause of their speech difficulties. Lisping, slurring and mispronouncing “S” and “T” are the most common impairments but orthodontic treatment can help! Correcting the alignment of the teeth and jaw while they are still developing is the best way to ensure this problem won’t follow them through life.



Lowers Risk of Tooth Decay

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With straight teeth your child is better able to properly clean their entire mouth and reach the hard to get areas, they are able to floss with ease and make sure their mouth has been properly cleaned. With crooked teeth, it’s a different story. Children who suffer from crooked teeth are much more likely to get tooth decay due to it being harder to brush which can sometimes lead to poor oral hygiene. Crooked teeth do present serious health risks to your child, that’s why it is recommended that they are seen by an orthodontist before the age of seven. Braces and preventive dentistry are the best ways to ensure your child’s oral health is on the right track.



Improves Digestion

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Having straight teeth and an aligned jaw allows your child to easily chew their food. Breaking food down into smaller pieces is best for their digestion, which in turn helps their overall development. If your child’s teeth are not aligned, your orthodontist will recommend braces to optimize their placement to help with digestion and many other important factors in their development.



Reduces Teeth Grinding

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If your child has frequent headaches or neck pain, it could be due to teeth grinding that they might not even be aware of. Grinding of the teeth is likely caused by an unaligned jaw, this could cause a lot of future problems if it’s not corrected early on in life. Through the help of braces and elastics, your child’s jaw will be shifted back into its optimal placement which will relieve them of uncomfortable symptoms.



Corrects Harmful Oral Habits

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Thumb sucking is a natural reflex from birth to around age five, however, it is common for some children to suck their thumbs later on in life. If your child continues this habit past the age of six they are at a much greater risk of causing detrimental damage to their teeth. Braces might be enviable for thumb suckers but they could also be a great way to break this habit for your child.


Guides Adult Teeth

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When your child loses their baby teeth and their permanent ones start to come through, braces will help guide those teeth into a more favorable position so there will be no room for error. With your child’s teeth and jaw aligned they will be able to benefit from great oral hygiene, no bad habits and being able to properly digest their food. Receiving braces early on in life will ensure a hassle-free future and a beautiful smile for life!

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