Clear aligner technology is one of the most popular treatments to straighten teeth in the world today, offering the same benefits as braces without the hardware and without changing your lifestyle. However, not everyone is a good candidate for clear aligners. If you are asking ‘Am I a good candidate for clear aligners?’ Dr. Hisham Badawi and the Smile Elements team in Calgary can help you find out.

What Are Clear Aligners?

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Clear aligners are a series of virtually invisible and removable aligner trays that patients wear for 22 hours a day to straighten their teeth. Made using multiple layers of medical-grade plastic, clear aligners are custom manufactured to fit over your teeth comfortably and feature rounded edges. Every two weeks, patients switch to a new set of aligners to begin another stage of shifting.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

Clear aligners work by gradually shifting teeth into proper alignment over a period of time. An iTero scanner creates a digital map or model of your teeth, from which a set of aligners is made just for you. You must wear clear aligners for 22 hours a day for the treatment to work effectively. Switching to a new set every two weeks is how the pressure on your teeth is maintained so shifting continues. It’s the equivalent of seeing the orthodontist every so often to have the archwire of your braces tightened.

What Problems Do Clear Aligners Treat?

Clear aligners are effective at treating a variety of problems, including crookedness, overcrowding, overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, and spaces between teeth. Some cases of overcrowding are too severe to be treated with clear aligners.

Am I A Candidate For Clear Aligners?

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While most patients qualify as candidates for clear aligner treatment, not everyone is a good candidate. Clear aligners may not be suitable for patients whose teeth are smaller than normal. Patients who have dental bridges, crowns, and dental implants are not good candidates either because the aligners would not fit properly or be as effective. In addition, if the spaces between your teeth are too large or you suffer from a severe case of overcrowding, clear aligners may not work for you. Clear aligners also may not be an option for you if you cannot commit to wearing them 22 hours a day. Failure to wear the aligners would result in setbacks to your treatment.

To learn if you are a candidate for clear aligners, schedule a complimentary consultation with Smile Elements in Calgary. Dr. Badawi will examine your teeth and jaws to determine if clear aligners are the right treatment for you.

What Are The Advantages Of Clear Aligners?

If you turn out to be a good candidate for clear aligners, the good news is that there are several advantages of using clear aligners over traditional braces.

Clear Aligners Are Invisible

One of the best advantages of using clear aligners is that they are clear, which makes them virtually invisible to others. Your friends and family may not even notice that you are wearing them. This allows you to straighten your smile without having to cover it up with metal brackets and wires.

You Can Remove Them

While traditional braces are not removable because a bracket is bonded to each tooth using adhesive, clear aligners can be removed at any time for any reason. In fact, it’s best to remove your aligners before every meal, giving you the ability to eat anything you want. There are no dietary restrictions with clear aligners. Also, remove your aligners and wear a mouthguard instead prior to participating in sports Be sure to store your aligners in the case they come in to keep them safe and easy to find.

The Aligners Are Easy To Clean

Because clear aligners are removable, that also makes them easier to clean than braces. There is a variety of methods and products you can use to clean clear aligners. You can use cleaning tablets or crystals in a soaking solution. Simply brushing and rinsing is also effective. Baking soda and vinegar is also a cleaning method. Avoid using toothpaste, mouthwash, or other products that may damage or stain your aligners. You want them to remain clear and undamaged throughout treatment. Keeping them clean prevents the growth of bacteria and plaque that could cause tooth decay and gum disease, either of which would cause setbacks.

Speedier Treatment

Another benefit of clear aligners is that length of treatment is often shorter than it would be with braces. That is, as long as you consistently wear your aligners for 22 hours a day. Forgetting to wear your aligners could lengthen treatment time. Clear aligners for teens often feature a blue dot that fades away the more you wear them, serving as a reminder and giving parents the ability to check progress. If clear aligners are not working for you, you can easily make the switch to braces.

Fewer Follow-up Visits

Clear aligners do not need periodic adjustments at the orthodontist’s office as braces do. That means fewer follow-up visits and more time to do other things. However, you will have to schedule some follow-up appointments so Dr. Badawi can check your progress and make changes to your treatment plan if necessary.

How Long Do I Have To Wear Clear Aligners?

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Clear aligner treatment lasts around 12-15 months depending on the severity of your problem and your commitment to wearing them. Your treatment time could be even shorter if your teeth respond well to the treatment.

How Much Do Clear Aligners Cost?

The cost of clear aligners is between $3,500 and $8,000, even in Calgary. However, Smile Elements offers interest-free low monthly payment plans and dental insurance usually covers at least part of the cost. We will gladly help you file insurance claims and work with you to select a payment plan that works with your budget.

Contact Us

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Smile Elements is dedicated to treating our patients with respect and compassion. We want you to have the smile you have always wanted. You are in good hands with Dr. Badawi, who has been specializing in clear aligner treatments for many years. To make an appointment, call our office in Calgary at 403-730-6400 today!

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