Today, it’s more important than ever to make sure that you are choosing the right doctor for you. However, before you go running to your orthodontist vs dentist, there are some things you should know. With so many choices available, it can be difficult to determine which one is right for you. 

In this blog post, our orthodontist in Calgary will compare the two fields. We will also provide you with a breakdown of who is better suited for your needs. From braces to dental insurance, read on to make an informed decision about whom to see!

What is the Difference Between an Orthodontist vs Dentist?

An orthodontist is a dentist who specializes in correcting the alignment of teeth and their surrounding structures. Orthodontists typically use braces and other techniques to help correct any irregularities in teeth positioning.

Additionally, orthodontic care often lasts much longer than typical dental treatments. It can be a better choice if you plan on having your child’s braces for an extended period. They’re more expensive than dentists, but they often offer longer-term treatment plans that can be more affordable over time.

Dentists, on the other hand, are trained in general dentistry. They can provide treatment for conditions such as gum disease or toothaches. Dentists also can provide more traditional dental treatments such as fillings and crowns. This is essential if you do not want to pursue orthodontic care.

While orthodontist vs dentist can diagnose and treat dental issues, each has its own set of specialties that make it an ideal choice for certain patients. Preferably, dentists and orthodontists should work together to provide exceptional care.

How to Choose Between an Orthodontist or a Dentist

If you’re considering orthodontics or dentistry for your child, it is important to know which provider is best for them. Orthodontist vs dentist offer different treatments and should be chosen based on the specific needs of your child.

Orthodontists work with teeth to correct abnormalities in their alignment. Dentists, on the other hand, focus on fixing tooth problems. Both orthodontists and dentists may use braces, surgery, and Invisalign for adults in Calgary or a combination of both to achieve the desired results.

To choose an orthodontist vs dentist, consider the following factors:

Level of education and testimonials from previous and existing patients

Orthodontists are dentists with additional dental training. They are better suited to handle more complex dental procedures such as teeth straightening. Straightening your teeth affects a lot of other aspects of oral hygiene. You should seek orthodontic services to not only maintain your oral health but also to fix complex dental flaws.  

Doctors who maintain the highest levels of service will always have happy patients who will not hesitate to recommend them. You must also take into consideration the doctor’s level of training and experience before starting treatment. For specialized treatment, your local dentist may refer you to an orthodontist.

Ask more than one office for a consultation

When you visit more than one office, you’re more likely to find an orthodontist who meets your specific needs. Different orthodontic offices have different treatment styles, so it’s a good idea to consult with several. It’s also possible that some orthodontic treatment options or products are not available to others. You should compare the recommended treatment time with the cost too. 

Convenience in care

Orthodontists will need to adjust braces regularly during certain dental treatments, such as straightening teeth. The orthodontic treatment process is more complex and requires frequent office visits. So, it’s better to ensure the working hours of an orthodontist are compatible with your schedule.

Cost of service

There is a difference in price between an orthodontist and a regular dentist because orthodontists offer more specialized dental treatments. Moreover, orthodontic treatment costs are higher due to the materials used and the techniques used. Therefore, orthodontic treatment tends to be more expensive than general dental services since orthodontists are more experienced and specialized.

orthodontist vs dentist

What to Look for in a Good Orthodontist or Dentist

When it comes to choosing a doctor, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Whether you have braces or not, it’s important to find someone who has experience with orthodontics or dentistry. Be sure to ask about their qualifications and training. A good orthodontist vs dentist should have undergone comprehensive dental education and training in orthodontics as well as pediatric dentistry.  

You also need to make sure the doctor you choose is experienced in creating full mouth clear alignments (FMCA). FMCA is an extremely precise technique that helps achieve optimal alignment and tooth spacing. Finally, be sure to ask your potential doctor about fees and insurance policies.


If you are wondering who should treat your dental needs, it is important to understand the different types of professionals. Orthodontists specialize in straightening teeth and correcting malocclusions, while dentists focus on providing dental care for people of all ages.

If you’re looking to have a single set of teeth treated, a dentist may be the best option for you. However, if you want long-term care for your dental structure, an orthodontist is a better choice. They can handle more complex cases and come up with more innovative solutions. 

Ultimately, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions about your oral health. Orthodontists and dentists are two excellent options that can help ensure that your smile is optimal!

Visit us at Smile Elements Orthodontics Today!

If you aren’t sure whom to turn to, consider visiting Smile Elements Orthodontics. Our team of orthodontists and dentists is highly experienced and committed to providing the highest quality care possible.

Our clinic offers a variety of treatment options. Whether you need braces for corrective purposes or just want them to look nicer, we can help. We also offer Invisalign, which is a revolutionary type of orthodontic treatment. This treatment uses clear aligners to straighten your teeth without any metal hardware.

If you’re interested in learning more about our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (403) 768-0760 (for new patients) or (403) 730-6400 (for current patients) today!

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