Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that focuses on oral health and the development of properly aligned teeth and jaws. It is a key part of dental care, as straight teeth not only look better but can also help prevent oral health issues such as gum disease and cavities.

Oral Health

Despite this, many people neglect to receive orthodontic care until adulthood. This may be due to a lack of understanding about the importance of oral health, or because teeth and jaw misalignments are easier to live with and don’t seem to pose an immediate problem.

The reality is that dental issues can develop due to misalignments, making them more difficult and expensive to treat later on. Orthodontic care is an important part of oral health care and can help prevent orthodontic issues from developing or getting worse.

For this reason, here are four helpful tips from our experts on how getting orthodontic care can save you time, money, and oral health in the long run with Clear aligner in Calgary.

#1 – Getting treatment prevents more severe oral health problems from developing.

Misaligned teeth and jaws can lead to oral health issues like tooth decay, gum disease, and speech impairments. Without treatment, these issues can become more severe and require more extensive treatments like root canals or oral surgery.

This is because misaligned teeth are more difficult to keep clean, leading to an increase in oral bacteria and plaque buildup. An incorrect bite can also cause dental issues, such as TMJ pain and headaches.

By getting orthodontic care, you can avoid these oral health issues before they become too severe and expensive to treat. As a matter of fact, the American Dental Association recommends that all children get an orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7.

#2 – Orthodontic care can save you time in the long run.

Oral Health

The best time to get orthodontic care is when a child’s oral development is still in the early stages. If a misalignment or oral health problem is caught early, it is much easier to correct and can save you time in the long run.

For example, teeth that are overcrowded or far apart can be easily corrected by braces or clear aligners. A misaligned bite can also be fixed with orthodontic appliances such as expanders or headgear. If these oral health issues are left untreated, they can take longer to fix and require more intensive treatments.

Whichever orthodontic treatment you choose, more severe cases are treated for a longer period, thus the higher cost. For instance, braces may need to be worn for a couple of years or longer, depending on the oral health issue. You will also need more Invisalign aligners if you have more severe oral health problems.

#3 – Orthodontic treatments are more affordable than other cosmetic dental treatments.

Many people don’t realize that orthodontic care is more affordable than other cosmetic dental treatments such as veneers, bridges, or oral surgery. For example, braces are one of the most affordable orthodontic treatments around and can be done in a relatively short period of time.

Invisalign aligners are also a great option for those who want to correct misalignments without the hassle of wires and brackets. They are also less expensive than oral surgery, which can cost thousands of dollars. These treatments can significantly improve your appearance and oral health without breaking the bank.

#4 – Orthodontics can prevent health problems such as digestive disorders and TMJ.

Misalignments can cause more than just oral health issues; they can also lead to more serious health problems. For example, misalignments in the jaw can cause problems with chewing and swallowing, which can lead to digestive disorders.

Misalignments can also cause TMJ pain and headaches, which can be painful and disruptive to your daily life. Orthodontic treatments like braces or Invisalign can correct oral health problems and prevent more serious issues from developing.

When misalignment is corrected, you will no longer be at risk for these oral health issues. In return, you will be able to make good use of your time and energy instead of dealing with health problems associated with misalignment and incorrect bite.

Get Optimal Orthodontic Care with Clear Aligners in Calgary, AB

Oral Health

At Smile Elements Orthodontics, we specialize in providing trusted orthodontic care with clear aligners in Calgary, AB. Clear aligners are minimally invasive treatment options that can help you achieve a beautiful smile without having to use traditional metal braces.

Invisalign clear aligners use a series of custom-made, removable aligners that gradually move the teeth into their desired positions. This is a great option for those who have mild to moderate oral health problems and want to avoid the hassle of wires and brackets.

At Smile Elements Orthodontics, we offer orthodontic treatment for better care through Invisalign for kids, teens, and adults. Dr. Hisham Badawi is an Invisalign-certified orthodontist who is committed to providing the best oral health care for you and your family.

Dr. Badawi holds a PhD-level clinical degree in health sciences, and clinical practice qualifications, with a strong background in engineering, and in vitro and in vivo research. He also has digital-related expertise in industry, technology, investment, and academia. Dr. Badawi’s professional experience spans science, commercial, and engineering systems.

All these credentials make him a trusted oral health specialist who can deliver quality orthodontic care with clear aligners. He has worked with thousands of patients from Calgary, AB, to achieve their oral health and aesthetic goals.

If you are looking for a reliable orthodontist in Calgary, AB to help you get a beautiful smile with clear aligners, then book a FREE consultation with Dr. Badawi at Smile Elements Orthodontics. We will provide you with the best oral health care and optimal orthodontic treatments tailored to your individual needs.

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