Many people may feel insecure about the way their teeth are aligned, which is why they opt for Invisalign treatment. This procedure is quite popular because of how convenient and quick it is compared to regular braces. Instead of wires and brackets, the patient is given aligners for them to wear over a certain number of weeks before changing into the next set.

That being said, how one should take care of their aligners is rather different from braces. And if you are currently undergoing Invisalign treatment in Calgary, then this is for you! In this article, you’re going to learn the different techniques on how to clean Invisalign aligners effectively. 

The Importance of Cleaning Your Invisalign Aligners

Similar to brushing your teeth every night, knowing the proper way of cleaning your Invisalign trays is important for your oral health.

If you don’t clean your aligners regularly, then any stains can stay there and make them appear more noticeable, which is the exact opposite of what you want. Furthermore, any food particles that get stuck in your trays can breed bacteria and spread quickly, causing one to develop bad breath.

Neglecting to clean your Invisalign aligners can result in the manifestation of various intolerable dental issues that are not cheap to treat.

How to Clean Invisalign Retainers Without Damaging It

If not handled properly, then you can give your aligners some serious damage! You need to brush your trays gently and avoid using harsh chemicals that can scratch or break down the plastic.

When you damage your Invisalign trays, getting a replacement will delay and prolong the treatment process, and it will be expensive, too. So, be sure to take good care of them!

#1 – Rinse Your Invisalign Aligners On a Regular Basis

Whenever you remove your aligners from your teeth, rinsing them under tap water is effective enough to eliminate any buildup of bacteria. Having bacteria buildup can destroy both your teeth and aligner trays. Now, before you put your aligners back in, be sure to rinse your mouth too in order to get rid of any food particles stuck inside.

#2 – Use Invisalign Cleaning Crystals

Invisalign has cleaning crystals that are great for cleaning discolored or stained aligners. In order to use these crystals, the first thing you need to do is put your aligners in a container filled with water, then add the crystals after. 

Then, you add the crystals into the container, shaking it for the crystals to dissolve and distribute. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then remove your aligners from the container and rinse them with water.

#3 – Use Distilled White Vinegar

Did you know that you can make your own cleaner for your aligners? Besides using clear liquid soap to clean your trays, you can use distilled white vinegar. It is safe yet strong enough to eradicate bacteria and plaque buildup, sanitizing your Invisalign aligners. Mix three parts of lukewarm water and one part of distilled white vinegar, then stir it well.

#4 – Clean Your Invisalign Aligners With Hydrogen Peroxide

If you don’t have any distilled white vinegar in your pantry, another effective cleaning agent would be hydrogen peroxide. 

#5 – Gentle Toothpaste Works as an Alternative

If you don’t have clear liquid soap and can’t find the time to make your own cleaner, try to check the contents of your toothpaste. If you’re using gentle toothpaste, then it will be doable to clean your aligners! Typically you’d be able to tell right from the packaging if the toothpaste has a gentle or sensitive formula.

#6 – Brush Your Invisalign Aligners With a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

This goes in hand with gentle toothpaste. You want to avoid scratching your aligners, and using a soft-bristled toothbrush does the trick. Brush your aligner trays using light and gentle strokes and motions. Remember to have a light hand every time you brush your trays.

#7 – Get an Ultrasonic Cleaner for Your Invisalign Aligners

If you have the extra cash, then investing in an ultrasonic cleaner is going to do wonders for your aligner trays. It’s not a necessity, but it does a great job in deep cleaning aligners and mouth guards. Even after using the device, make sure to rinse the trays one more time before putting them back in your mouth.

How to clean Invisalign

More Tips on How to Clean Invisalign Aligners

Seven tips may not be enough for one person, so here is some additional information that you need to know with regard to how to clean Invisalign trays!

#1 – Place your aligners inside the tray when not in use

When you’re not wearing your aligners, it’s best to keep them inside their designated container every time. If the aligners are not in their proper storage, then it increases the chance of them getting misplaced or damaged. Even if they don’t get damaged or lost, leaving them out in the open makes the trays more prone to harboring bacteria.

#2 – Be sure to brush and floss your teeth before wearing them again

Brushing and flossing your teeth before you put your aligners back on will minimize the risk of any bacteria transferring to the trays. This is because the only time orthodontists recommend you to remove your aligners besides when you’re brushing your teeth is when you’re about to eat. The food particles can get into the retainers, not only spreading bacteria but possibly staining them too.

#3 – Avoid using heat to sanitize your aligner trays

It is common knowledge for people to use boiling water to disinfect certain things, but that isn’t the case with aligner retainers. The heat is strong enough to alter the shape of your aligner trays because of the material they were made with. Instead of boiling water, you can use water that’s a little warm to rinse them off. 


Here at Smile Elements Orthodontics, we take pride in offering the best and most trusted orthodontic care with clear aligners in Calgary, AB. Clear aligners require an extra step of care in order to preserve them and to keep the treatment progress going.

Book a free consultation with Dr. Badawi at Smile Elements Orthodontics, and you’ll be provided with great oral health care and orthodontic treatments that will suit your individual needs the most.


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